Biology is the scientific study of life, living organisms, and how they interact with their environment! Use this LibGuide to help find resources for conducting or writing about biology research.
Check out biology research conducted by Hilbert Students!
Monday-Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 7:00pm
Saturday 10:00am - 4:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm - 6:00pm
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If we do not have the full text version of an article, users can request that article through InterLibrary Loan (ILL). We look for the article at other libraries and do our best to get you a copy of the article!
Visit the ILL page on our website to learn more about this service.
If you've never used ILL before, you will have to create an account. Click the button below to access your account and/or make a new account:
What is interlibrary loan (ILL)?
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is the process by which library materials are made available by one library to another.
How do I submit a request?
If it is a book, please check the online catalog first to see if the item is owned by McGrath Library. We cannot fill requests for books that we own, even if the item is checked out. In the case of journal articles, there is an embedded ILL form in some of the article databases. Otherwise, please use the form at the top of this page or come into the Library and submit your request at the reference desk.
Who is eligible to use ILL?
Current faculty, staff and students of Hilbert College.
What materials can I request?
Books and copies of journal articles may be requested through ILL. Audio-visual and multimedia materials and textbooks are usually not available for loan, but they may be available. We cannot request entire issues of journals or computer software due to copyright law restrictions.
Is there a charge for using ILL?
Most of the time, we are able to obtain the materials you need free of charge. When we are not able to do so, you may be asked if you are willing to pay for the material before we order it.
How long until I receive my material?
We are committed to rapidly processing ILL requests. Articles usually arrive within a few days, while books can take approximately seven to ten days, although there are exceptions. Ultimately, delivery time depends on processing, mail and delivery method of the lending institution. Note also that there may be times when we are unable to successfully borrow the material you want, so we suggest that you start your research early.
How will my material be delivered?
Whenever possible, requested articles may be delivered via email; please see the ILL form or Melissa Laidman for more information. In all other cases, you may pick up your material on the ILL shelf next to the course reserves. You will be contacted by email when your material is available.
How long can I keep ILL material?
Photocopies of articles are yours to keep. Books borrowed through ILL must be returned to the reference desk by the due date. Do not drop ILL books off into the book drop. If you need a renewal, please ask before the due date. Some lending libraries may not allow renewals, so plan your research accordingly. If a book is not returned, you will be responsible for paying a replacement fee.