What Are Article Databases?
Article Databases are large collections of journals that have been digitized and made searchable by subject, title, author, and more. McGrath Library subscribes to dozens of databases. over 82,000 different journal titles are available online through McGrath subscriptions!
The two most commonly used database vendors at Hilbert are EBSCO & ProQuest. Each one has multiple databases based on content that you can search in for articles.
Be Sure to Choose Which Databases You Want to Search in BOTH ProQuest & EBSCO. Watch the McGrath Tutorial Below on How to Choose Databases:
McGrath Tutorial on Using EBSCO Databases
A GENERAL Academic Article Database that accesses over 13,000 journals and features Over 4,000 peer-reviewed journals in Full Text
A general multidisciplinary database comprised of abstracts and indexing of articles from 6300 general periodicals, including full text articles from more than 3000 periodicals.
Access viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to web sites, and full text journal and newspaper articles
Provides news databases, newspapers, newswires, magazines, broadcast transcripts, business, trade, and professional journals. Also, more than 800 law reviews and journals, federal and state case law and the full text of the United States Code Annotated and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
Provides access to 50 national and regional newspapers
A fully integrated resource bringing together company profiles, brand information, rankings, investment reports, company histories, chronologies and 5200 full text periodicals