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Using the Census Website: 1820

This guide will help you understand how to extract demographic and statistical information from the United States Census website

About the Bureau

1820 Census Information


  • 4th Decennial Census.
  • U.S. Population: 9,633,822.
  • Cost: $208,526


The 1820 census built on the questions asked in 1810. The age questions were the same, except for the addition of a 16 - 18 years category for males.

  • The number of free White males and females aged, respectively:
    • under 10 years of age
    • of 10 years but under 16 years
    • of 16 years but under 18 years (for males)
    • of 16 years but under 26 years (for males)
    • of 16 years but under 26 years (for females)
    • of 26 years but under 45 years
    • 45 years and upward
  • The number of male and female slaves aged, respectively:
    • under 14 years of age
    • of 14 years but under 26 years
    • of 26 years but under 45 years
    • 45 years and upwards
  • The number of free colored males and females aged, respectively:
    • under 14 years of age
    • of 14 years but under 26 years
    • of 26 years but under 45 years
    • 45 years and upwards
  • Number of foreigners not naturalized
  • Number of persons (including slaves) engaged in agriculture, commerce, and manufactures

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