O*NET Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Fourth Edition by Michael Farr; Laurence Shatkin
This best-selling career reference puts the official job descriptions and other important information from the U.S. Department of Labor's massive O*NET (Occupational Information Network) database into useful and manageable print form. It provides high-quality, current labor market information covering nearly 100 percent of the workforce'a key consideration for anyone doing career and education research, writing resumes, and preparing for interviews.In addition to fresh occupational descriptions for about 950 O*NET jobs, the book provides a comprehensive treasure trove of information. Readers learn each job's education, training, and experience level; annual earnings; projected growth through 2014; number of people employed; number of annual openings; skills, abilities, and knowledge needed; work activities; RIASEC personality type; working conditions; work values; New Guide for Occupational Exploration interest area and number; Classification of Instructional Programs course titles; related Dictionary of Occupational Titles jobs; official O*NET code; and other job characteristics. Exclusive: A unique section called Six Easy Ways to Find O*NET Jobs of Interest helps readers determine and look up the job descriptions that interest them most. New to this edition:Completely updated job descriptions and data.All of the new jobs in the latest O*NET database, including new high-tech occupations.A list of related Occupational Outlook Handbook job titles for each O*NET job for easy cross-referencing.Another easy way to find O*NET jobs of interest: A new chart links 5,700 military job titles to civilian occupations for easy reference by transitioning military.The jobs are organized by Standard Occupational Codes (SOC), which arrange occupations into clusters of related jobs for easy career exploration and research. The new edition is based on O*NET 10, the latest version of the database. The O*NET replaces the Dictionary of Occupational Titles as the nation's primary and official source of occupational information.
Call Number: OCC REF HB 2595 .O16 2007
ISBN: 9781593574154
Publication Date: 2007-01-01