Occupational Outlook Handbook 2014-2015 by U S Dept of Labor; Jist Editors; United States"The Occupational Outlook Handbook 2014-2015" is the most widely respected and used career reference available - and only JIST Publishing's version includes useful bonus content, including Personality-Career Quiz and a new Best OOH Jobs list. In JIST's 2014-2015 edition of the OOH features well written, interesting descriptions for more than 330 major jobs in the U.S., as well as summary information on additional jobs. For each job, the book discussed work tasks, job outlook through 2022, training and education needed, pay, work environment, similar occupations, and additional information sources. The book is packed with photos, charts, and practical, current information, which makes it invaluable for anyone doing career research, making career decisions, writing resumes, and preparing for interviews. This OOH includes another JIST Publishing exclusive: the Personality-Career Quiz, which matches readers to specific OOH jobs.
Call Number: REF OCC HD 5724 .O26 2015
ISBN: 9781593579876
Publication Date: 2014-05-01
Occupational Outlook Handbook 2010-11 by U S Dept of LaborOrganized by clusters of related jobs for easy research, the OOH is the most reader-friendly general career reference book available. Includes interesting, thorough job description, covering about 90 percent of all workers. Each description includes facts such as nature of the work, working conditions, job outlook, training and education needed, earnings, related occupations, and additional information sources, including Web sites
Call Number: HF5382 .O22 2010-11
ISBN: 1593572484
Publication Date: 2006-01-01
Online Edition (BLS)
The Occupational Outlook Handboook can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.
CLICK on the Link below to browse occupations or use the Search Queue to search.